Friday, June 13, 2014

Advantages of Factory Design Suite

Many manufacturing companies keep track of their facility layout by keeping a 2d layout drawing update with changes when a production line is either deconstructed, moved, or a new line is put in.  But, what if you were able to take that 2D layout and change it to a fully functional 3D layout that you could simulate production line destruction, and line constructions.  If you are building a whole new facility you can attach architectural files and the models for the piping layout of the building and the mechanical duct systems that will be in the building and see if there are any collisions that may happen in the current design.  You can even check for collision with the equipment and any structural steel that may be in the area of the equipment that you are wanting to install.  Factory design suite is a great tool for any industrial or manufacturing engineer who wants to have more control in the facility layout process and the process flow of the production lines.

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